Zombie Research Institute
Strep Infection
The onset of Narcolepsy is highly correlated with strep infection. This article theorizes that molecular binding occurs between the streptococcal antibodies and orexin neurons. There is no real evidence for that though.
I propose instead that complications of strep infection work as an additive factor in sudden presentation of narcolepsy. (The patients carried DQB1 0602, so I assume they were gluten intolerant too.)
Rheumatic fever is caused by autoimmune antibodies to strep bacteria. The antibodies bind to the brain and cause neurotransmitter mimicry. This is known to cause disregulation of the hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal pathway- which controls the stress response.
Strep autoimmunity of this type would cause the same panic symptoms caused by orexin depletion. An acute strep infection would amplify existing symptoms to the point of clinical recognition.
I'm beginning to think there's an interaction. Either gluten autoimmunity reduces the gastrointestinal immunity to strep infection. or Strep infection alters the gastrointestinal response to gluten. Maybe it alters the microbe composition of the gut.
Funny thing is, if you look up strep infection, you find it actually causes other sleep disorders. Nasopharyngeal obstruction results in obligate mouth breathing, snoring, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. Upper airway obstruction may cause a variety of breathing and sleep disorders that may lead to obstructive sleep apnea and insomnia.
You also find that Sydenham's Chorea, a well known complication of strep infection- and PANDAS, a newer diagnosis- have a whole lot of overlapping symptoms with narcolepsy.
The reason this matters is because standard sleep treatments make it worse. By only treating the sleep symptoms, doctors allow the infection and immune response to continue.
"Meth mouth" is an informal name for advanced tooth decay attributed to heavy methamphetamine use. According to the American Dental Association, meth mouth "is probably caused by a combination of drug-induced psychological and physiological changes resulting in dry mouth,extended periods of poor oral hygiene, increased consumption of sugared soft drinks, and teeth clenching and grinding. Meth mouth characteristics include: Bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding): methamphetamine induces bruxism, leading to the wear and cracks of tooth enamel.Despite the name "meth mouth", similarly accelerated tooth decay can be caused by the abuse of other stimulants with similar actions, such as amphetamines, cocaine and methylphenidate (ritalin). Did your doctor tell you this?
Narcolepsy-cataplexy: is streptococcal infection a trigger?
Narcolepsy associated with childhood strep infection.